The COAR Notify Protocol consists of documented community conventions for the use of W3C Linked Data Notifications (LDN) to integrate repository systems with relevant services in a distributed, resilient and web-native architecture. Notify notification patterns are more specific implementations of the generic patterns described by Event Notifications in Value-Adding Networks, and they rely heavily on the W3C Activity Streams 2.0 model and properties.
This Editorial Process Document outlines the process that is followed by the Editorial Board of the COAR Notify Protocol. The goal is to ensure that the COAR Notify Protocol is documented comprehensively, clearly and accurately, such that it can be readily implemented in software. The Board is committed to maintaining the integrity of the protocol and to promoting distributed scholarly communications.
The Editorial Board of the COAR Notify Protocol consists of at least three members who are appointed by COAR. The Board is responsible for managing the editorial process, including reviewing requests for additions or changes to the protocol, providing feedback, and making final decisions on changes. Specifically, the Board ensures that the Protocol:
The Editorial Board is active in monitoring and, indeed, working in the contexts within which the COAR Notify Protocol is being implemented. This means that the Board is well placed to identify and evaluate possible changes to the Protocol. However, suggestions for changes to the Protocol may be received from other parties.
The COAR Notify Protocol is intended to be implemented and, as such, the Editorial Board takes a pragmatic stance with regard to requests for changes. Requests for changes may be submitted as GitHub issues.
Decisions about changes to the COAR Notify Protocol are the sole responsibility of the Editorial Board. The Board will maintain a fair and open approach to the consideration of requests for changes, and will communicate its reasoning where appropriate.
A detailed Change Log is maintained on the Protocol website.