PCI Endorsement workflow: Reject

Draft workflow
(This is a Notify notification from the PCI Endorsement workflow, using the Reject notification pattern).



The @context must include:


Notify payloads must describe an AS 2.0 activity. The activity has an id which must be a URI, and the use of URN:UUID is recommended. An HTTP URI may be used instead, but in such cases the URI should resolve to a useful resource.


In this particular example: inReplyTo is specified because this is a response to a previous notification. inReplyTo takes the URI (URN:UUID or HTTP URI) which identifies the activity for which this is a response.


The origin describes the system which has sent the notification. The origin has:

  • An id which is an HTTP URI identifying the sending system
  • A type which should include the value Service from AS 2.0.
  • An inbox which is the HTTP URI of the LDN inbox for the origin


The target describes the system which is intended to receive the notification. The target has:

  • An id which is an HTTP URI identifying the receiving system
  • A type which should include the value Service from AS 2.0.
  • An inbox which is the HTTP URI of the LDN inbox for the target


The activity has a type with the value Reject

Example JSON-LD Payload

  "@context": [
  "id": "urn:uuid:668f26e0-2c8d-4117-a0d2-ee713523bcb1",
  "inReplyTo": "urn:uuid:0370c0fb-bb78-4a9b-87f5-bed307a509dd",
  "origin": {
    "id": "https://https://peercommunityin.org",
    "inbox": "https://peercommunityin.org/inbox/",
    "type": "Service"
  "target": {
    "id": "https://research-organisation.org/repository",
    "inbox": "https://research-organisation.org/inbox/",
    "type": "Service"
  "type": "Reject"

Get raw JSON-LD


Having reviewed the preprint, PCI rejects the offer to endorse it. If the editorial decision is that a revision is required, then the author is emailed to explain that resubmission will have to be made through the repository (as before).