PCI processes the offer

Draft workflow

(This is not a Notify notification, but is included as an indication of a logical step in the workflow. The details of this step are out-of-scope of Notify and should be considered opaque to the service undertaking the step.)


PCI processes the offer. This offer is either an initial submission or a resubmission. The process is different depending on the case.

Initial submission

This is indicated by the absence of a inReplyTo property. The process is as follows:

  1. PCI gets the metadata from signposting and creates a pre-submission page
  2. PCI sends an email to the authors containing the URL that would send the author directly to the prefilled submission/resubmission page of PCI X after registering if needed and after login in PCI X website.
  3. The authors check the pre-filled information, complete the metadata (e.g. links to data, scripts, codes, PCI thematic fields) and complete the submission.
  4. If no validation by the Managing board or no handling by a recommender (negative outcome) then an email is sent to the authors and the process stops. PCI sends a Reject notification.
  5. If validation by the managing board and handling by a recommender (positive outcome) then an email is sent to the authors and the review process begins. PCI sends a TentativeAccept notification.


This is indicated by the presence of a inReplyTo property referencing the Activity ID of the previous Reject notification. The process is as follows:

  1. PCI sends an Email to the author containing the link to the resubmission form
  2. PCI digests the new URL with the new version and prefill the resubmission form with signposting (optional), and keep other old data (eg opposed reviewers)
  3. The author completes the resubmission form and replies to reviewers
  4. If no validation by the Managing board or no handling by a recommender (negative outcome) then an email is sent to the authors and the process stops. PCI sends a Reject notification.
  5. If validation by the managing board and handling by a recommender (positive outcome) then an email is sent to the authors and the review process begins. PCI sends a TentativeAccept notification.