PCI Endorsement workflow: Announce Review

Draft workflow
(This is a Notify notification from the PCI Endorsement workflow, using the Announce Review notification pattern).



The @context must include:


The actor describes the party responsible for this activity. The actor has:

  • An id which must be a URI identifying the actor (HTTP URIs are preferred, but any valid URI is permitted)
  • A type which should be one of: Application, Group, Organization, Person or Service from AS 2.0.
  • The actor may also have a name


When the object describes the result of some service acting on a resource, the context may be used to refer to that second resource.

In this particular example:

  • An id which is the HTTP URI of the "landing page" for the resource.
  • A type which should include the value AboutPage from schema.org.
  • An ietf:cite-as which contains the persistent HTTP URI (sometimes called the "PID") which is to be used to cite or link to the resource.
  • An ietf:item containing the details of the actual content resource. The ietf:item has:
    • An id containing the HTTP URI of the content file for the resource.
    • A type describing the content file.
    • A mediaType which contains the MIME Type of the content file.


Notify payloads must describe an AS 2.0 activity. The activity has an id which must be a URI, and the use of URN:UUID is recommended. An HTTP URI may be used instead, but in such cases the URI should resolve to a useful resource.


In this particular example: inReplyTo may be specified if this is a response to a previous notification. inReplyTo takes the URI (URN:UUID or HTTP URI) which identifies the activity for which this is a response.


The object describes the resource which is the main focus of this notification.

In this particular example:

  • id is the HTTP URI of the "landing page" for the resource.
  • type should include the value Document from AS 2.0, and sorg:Review
  • ietf:cite-as contains the persistent HTTP URI (sometimes called the "PID") which is to be used to cite or link to the resource.


The origin describes the system which has sent the notification. The origin has:

  • An id which is an HTTP URI identifying the sending system
  • A type which should include the value Service from AS 2.0.
  • An inbox which is the HTTP URI of the LDN inbox for the origin


The target describes the system which is intended to receive the notification. The target has:

  • An id which is an HTTP URI identifying the receiving system
  • A type which should include the value Service from AS 2.0.
  • An inbox which is the HTTP URI of the LDN inbox for the target


The activity has a type which should include Announce & coar-notify:ReviewAction

Example JSON-LD Payload

  "@context": [
  "actor": {
    "id": "https://review-service.com",
    "name": "Review Service",
    "type": "Service"
  "context": {
    "id": "https://research-organisation.org/repository/preprint/201203/421/",
    "ietf:cite-as": "https://doi.org/10.5555/12345680",
    "ietf:item": {
      "id": "https://research-organisation.org/repository/preprint/201203/421/content.pdf",
      "mediaType": "application/pdf",
      "type": [
    "type": "sorg:AboutPage"
  "id": "urn:uuid:94ecae35-dcfd-4182-8550-22c7164fe23f",
  "inReplyTo": "urn:uuid:0370c0fb-bb78-4a9b-87f5-bed307a509dd",
  "object": {
    "id": "https://review-service.com/review/geo/202103/0021",
    "ietf:cite-as": "https://doi.org/10.3214/987654",
    "type": [
  "origin": {
    "id": "https://https://peercommunityin.org",
    "inbox": "https://peercommunityin.org/inbox/",
    "type": "Service"
  "target": {
    "id": "https://research-organisation.org/repository",
    "inbox": "https://research-organisation.org/inbox/",
    "type": "Service"
  "type": [

Get raw JSON-LD


Having decided to endorse the preprint, PCI publishes the review and announces this