Announce Endorsement

This pattern is used to announce the existence of an endorsement, referencing (in context) the resource that has been endorsed



The @context must include:


The actor describes the party responsible for this activity. The actor has:

  • An id which must be a URI identifying the actor (HTTP URIs are preferred, but any valid URI is permitted)
  • A type which should be one of: Application, Group, Organization, Person or Service from AS 2.0.
  • The actor may also have a name


When the object describes the result of some service acting on a resource, the context may be used to refer to that second resource.

In this particular example:

  • An id which is the HTTP URI of the "landing page" for the resource.
  • A type which should include the value AboutPage from
  • An ietf:cite-as which contains the persistent HTTP URI (sometimes called the "PID") which is to be used to cite or link to the resource.
  • An ietf:item containing the details of the actual content resource. The ietf:item has:
    • An id containing the HTTP URI of the content file for the resource.
    • A type describing the content file.
    • A mediaType which contains the MIME Type of the content file.


Notify payloads must describe an AS 2.0 activity. The activity has an id which must be a URI, and the use of URN:UUID is recommended. An HTTP URI may be used instead, but in such cases the URI should resolve to a useful resource.


In this particular example: inReplyTo may be specified if this is a response to a previous notification. inReplyTo takes the URI (URN:UUID or HTTP URI) which identifies the activity for which this is a response.


The object describes the resource which is the main focus of this notification.

In this particular example:

  • An id which identifies the resource representing the endorsement.
  • An ietf:cite-as which contains the persistent HTTP URI (sometimes called the "PID") which is to be used to cite or link to the resource representing the endorsement.
  • A type describing the content file.


The origin describes the system which has sent the notification. The origin has:

  • An id which is an HTTP URI identifying the sending system
  • A type which should include the value Service from AS 2.0.
  • An inbox which is the HTTP URI of the LDN inbox for the origin


The target describes the system which is intended to receive the notification. The target has:

  • An id which is an HTTP URI identifying the receiving system
  • A type which should include the value Service from AS 2.0.
  • An inbox which is the HTTP URI of the LDN inbox for the target


The activity has a type which should include Announce & coar-notify:EndorsementAction

Example JSON-LD Payload

  "@context": [
  "actor": {
    "id": "",
    "name": "Overlay Journal",
    "type": "Service"
  "context": {
    "id": "",
    "ietf:cite-as": "",
    "ietf:item": {
      "id": "",
      "mediaType": "application/pdf",
      "type": [
    "type": "sorg:AboutPage"
  "id": "urn:uuid:94ecae35-dcfd-4182-8550-22c7164fe23f",
  "inReplyTo": "urn:uuid:0370c0fb-bb78-4a9b-87f5-bed307a509dd",
  "object": {
    "id": "",
    "ietf:cite-as": "",
    "type": [
  "origin": {
    "id": "",
    "inbox": "",
    "type": "Service"
  "target": {
    "id": "",
    "inbox": "",
    "type": "Service"
  "type": [

Get raw JSON-LD

Example workflows which use this pattern
Workflow System Participants Use-case(s)
PCI Endorsement Draft workflow Peer Community In (PCI) Repository <-> PCI Peer-review, Endorsement